Australian States Postal History
This is a list of the articles I have written for various journals over the years regarding Australian States Postal History.
Date | Topic | Publication | Volume | Published | Page |
150th Anniversary Souvenir Telegram Envelope | BSAP | V 24/1 | 1969 Apr | 8 | |
Dog Killed by a Snake and Other Postal Stories from Early Tasmania | BSAP | V 66/2 | 2011 Apr | 38 | |
Early Official Mail to Moreton Bay | BSAP | V 63/3 | 2008 Jun | 60-62 | |
Early Tasmanian Mails from Outlying Settlements | BSAP | V 57/3 | 2002 Jun | 90-95 | |
First Mail Contract by Steam Packet was a Disaster | BSAP | V 63/4 | 2008 Aug | 70-73 | |
Forwarding Agents | BSAP | V 38/4 | 1983 Aug | 36 | |
Forwarding Agents | BSAP | V 39/6 | 1984 Dec | 67-68 | |
Interpostal Accountancy - New Early Date | ASSG | V 11/3 | 2000 Aug | 43 | |
Interpostal Accountancy - New Early Date | BSAP | V 55/5 | 2000 Oct | 123-124 | |
Melbourne to Launceston Cover | ASSG | V 4/1 | 1993 Feb | 8-9 | |
New South Wales Covers | ASSG | No 11 | 1972 Sep | 11/4 | |
Notes on Port Arthur Post Office | BSAP | V 38/4 | 1983 Aug | 42 | |
NSW Diamond Framed C | BSAP | V 41/2 | 1986 Apr | 27-28 | |
NSW Diamond Framed C | BSAP | V 45/3 | 1990 Jun | 50 | |
NSW Handstamps | ASSG | No 35 | 1980 Nov | 35/6-7 | |
Oval Melbourne Date Stamp Precursor to Ship Letter Marking | BSAP | V 63/5 | 2008 Oct | 88-89 | |
Overland or Sea Route Victoria to NSW | ASSG | V 4/1 | 1993 Feb | 5-8 | |
Postal Regulations - The NSW Calendar and Directory 1833 | BSAP | V 32/1 | 1977 Apr | 20-31 | |
Postal Regulations | BSAP | V 32/3 | 1977 Aug | 38-39 | |
South Australia Covers | ASSG | No 11 | 1972 Sep | 11/3-4 | |
Tasmania Covers | ASSG | No 11 | 1972 Sep | 11/4 | |
Australian States Early Postage Rates (Part 1 - New South Wales) | ACC | V 9/4 | 1974 Jul | 41-47 | |
Australian States Early Postage Rates and Postal Legislation - New South Wales cont | ACC | V 9/7 | 1974 Nov | 81-88 | |
Australian States Early Postage Rates and Postal Legislation - New South Wales cont | ACC | V 10/1 | 1975 Apr | 1-5 | |
Australian States Early Postage Rates and Postal Legislation - Port Phillip District 1835-1851 Part 2 | ACC | V 10/2 | 1975 May | 27-28 | |
Australian States Early Postage Rates and Postal Legislation - New Zealand Part 3 | Postmarked Oceania (formerly ACC) | V 10/3 | 1975 Jun | 31-35 | |
The Charles Coke Correspondence and the Use of Forwarding Agents for Mid-Nineteenth Century Australian Mail | BSAP | V 50/2 | 1995 Apr | 37-44 | |
The First Undated Town Handstamps of Tasmania | BSAP | V 52/1 | 1997 Feb | 1-7 | |
The First Undated Handstamps of South Australia | ASP | V 16/5 | 2022 Oct | 31-33 | |
Three Halfpenny Charge Mark (Query) | BSAP | V 45/6 | 1990 Dec | 155 | |
Undated Melbourne Hand-stamp | BSAP | V 39/4 | 1984 Aug | 25-26 | |
Undated Melbourne Hand-stamp | BSAP | V 42/5 | 1987 Oct | 112-116 | |
Undated Melbourne Hand-stamp | BSAP | V 45/5 | 1990 Oct | 146-149 | |
Victoria Covers | ASSG | No 11 | 1972 Sep | 11/3 | |
Western Australia Customs Seal | BSAP | V 40/2 | 1985 Apr | 5 | |
Western Australia Customs Seal | BSAP | V 40/3 | 1985 Jun | 18 | |
Forwarding Agents' Marks on Mail from and to South Australia Before 1855 | ASP | V 18/2 | 2024 Apr | 22-25 | |
The Advertised Hand-Stamp at Adelaide Before 1855 | Postscript | V 74 /1 | 2024 Mar | 18-21 | |
1791 | Letter from Convict Ship | BSAP | V 62/5 | 2007 Oct | 92-93 |
1805 | Earliest Recorded Private Letter from Tasmania | BSAP | V 44/2 | 1989 Apr | 60 |
1805 | Earliest Recorded Private Letter from Tasmania | BSAP | V 44/4 | 1989 Aug | 130-131 |
1807 | Letter from Tasmania | BSAP | V 45/3 | 1990 Jun | 49-50 |
1813 | Letter Following Seizure of l'Anson Estate in Van Dieman's Land | Courier | No 50 | 2010 Dec | 8 |
1818 May | A Letter from Sydney | BSAP | V 38/3 | 1983 Jun | 30-32 |
1819 | 1819 Letter 'Du Sidney - Départ 3 Avril: Arrivé au Cap 19 Oct' | ASSG | No 23 | 1975 Sep | 23/2 |
1823-59 | Moreton Bay District | BSAP | V 39/4 | 1984 Aug | 34-42 |
1823 | Letter from Convict bears Rare Markings | BSAP | V 64/3 | 2009 Jun | 43 |
1825-1853 | Extract from a Presentation titled Van Diemen's Land Routes Rates and Markings: 19 December 1825 to 1 November 1853 | Postscript | V 72/2 | 2022 Jul | 118-121 |
1826 | 1826 Cover from Hobart Town by the Ship Lang | BSAP | V 76/5 | 2021 Oct | 186-187 |
1828 | Advertisement in the Hobart Gazette | BSAP | V 37/3 | 1982 Aug | 16 |
1828 | Advertisement in the Hobart Gazette | BSAP | V 44/2 | 1989 Apr | 64 |
1828 | Controversial Missionary faced Jail Threat | ASP | V 2/5 | 2008 | 36-41 |
1828 | Early Letter from Lake Macquarie | BSAP | V 45/4 | 1990 Aug | 108 |
1829 | Letter from Hobart to Cornhill London | ASSG | No 23 | 1975 Sep | 23/4 |
1832 | Mail from Macquarie Harbour | ASP | V 7/2 | 2013 | 31-34 |
1833 | First Sydney Forwarding Agents Mark? | BSAP | V 40/6 | 1985 Dec | 51-52 |
1835-39 | Postal Markings on Government Gazettes | BSAP | V 64/2 | 2009 Apr | 21-25 |
1835-39 | Postal Markings on Government Gazettes | Sydney Views | 102 | 2009 Feb | 4-8 |
1836 | 1836 Letter from Hobart to London | ASSG | No 23 | 1975 Sep | 23/2 |
1837 | Letter from Hobart Town | BSAP | V 38/6 | 1983 Dec | 59 |
1838 | The First Postage Stamp: The New South Wales 1838 Embossed Letter Sheet | LP | V 128/1465 | 2019 May | 154-170 |
1838 | Census of Used Letter Sheets and Envelopes Bearing Embossed Stamp (Part 1) | BSAP | V 75/6 | 2020 Dec | 209-218 |
1838 | The First Postage Stamp: The New South Wales 1838 Embossed Letter Sheet (Part 2) | BSAP | V 76/1 | 2021 Feb | 11-16 |
1838 | The First Postage Stamp: The New South Wales 1838 Embossed Letter Sheet (Part 3) | BSAP | V 76/2 | 2021 Apr | 46-50 |
1838 | The First Postage Stamp: The New South Wales 1838 Embossed Letter Sheet (Part 4) | BSAP | V 76/3 | 2021 Jun | 87-94 |
1838 | The First Postage Stamp: The New South Wales 1838 Embossed Letter Sheet (Part 5) | BSAP | V 76/4 | 2021 Aug | 129-134 |
1838 | The NSW 1838 Letter Sheet with Embossed Stamp - an updated listing | Sydney Views | No 144 | 2019 Aug | 21-30 |
1838 | Dr William Bland (1789-1868), the Mitchell Library and the 1838 Sydney Embossed Lettersheet | Postscript | V 71/305 | 2021 Sep | 183-186 |
1839-45 | The Overland Route between Melbourne and Sydney | BSAP | V 39/2 | 1984 Apr | 13 |
1839 | Letters from an Explorer of W Australia | BSAP | V 38/5 | 1983 Oct | 51-56 |
1839 | Letters from an Explorer of W Australia | BSAP | V 38/6 | 1983 Dec | 63-65 |
1839 | Letters from an Explorer of W Australia | BSAP | V 39/1 | 1984 Feb | 7-8 |
1840 Mar 23 | Letter from Adelaide to Wales just before the Collapse of the Economy in South Australia | Postscript | V 73/3 | 2023 Sep | 169-170 |
1841 | Earliest Letter from Norfolk Island | BSAP | V 59/3 | 2004 Jun | 52-53 |
1841 | Earliest Letter from Norfolk Island | BSAP | V 59/4 | 2004 Aug | 73-74 |
1841 | Entire from Adelaide to Java | BSAP | V 40/1 | 1985 Feb | 1-2 |
1841 | Letter from Ship off Port Adelaide | BSAP | V 67/3 | 2012 Jun | 65 |
1841 | Norfolk Island Convict Letter | ASP | V 1/3 | 2007 | 34-36 |
1841 | Letter from Adelaide in the First Week of 1841 | BSAP | V 73/2 | 2018 Apr | 37-40 |
1843 | Principal Superintendent of Convicts' Office | BSAP | V 51/5 | 1996 Oct | 117 |
1844 | 1844 Hobart to New Zealand forwarded by Agency at Sydney | BSAP | V 78/5 | 2023 Oct | 170-171 |
1844 Jan-Feb | Two 1844 Letters Cancelled 1 February Sent by Different Ships | BSAP | V 79/6 | 2024 Dec | 187-189 |
1845-1851 | The Packet Letter Mark on Australian Mail | BSAP | V 78/5 | 2023 Oct | 181-184 |
1845-1851 | The Packet Letter Mark on Australian Mail | P from A | V 76/1 | 2024 Mar | 20-22 |
1846 | 1846 Directive re Delivery of Ship Letters at Adelaide | BSAP | V 79/3 | 2024 Jun | 91-92 |
1847 | Packet Cover with GB Stamp prepaying Ship Rate | BSAP | V 57/1 | 2002 Feb | 20-21 |
1849 | Different Journeys for Two 1849 Letters from Port Adelaide SA | P from A | V 74/3 | 2022 Sep | 82 |
1851-1852 | The Advertised Hand-Stamp at Adelaide Before 1855: a further example (with Pat Grimwood-Taylor) | Postscript | V 74 /2 | 2024 Jun | 19 |
1856 May 06 | Treasury Warrant (Query) | BSAP | V 38/2 | 1983 Apr | 18-20 |
1881 Mar 31 | First Australian Letter-Bomb? | BSAP | V 64/6 | 2009 Dec | 122 |
1901-05 | Sydney Forged Postmark | BSAP | V 45/2 | 1990 Apr | 35 |
1931 Nov | Unsung Hero, Victor Roffey, crosses 900 Miles of Ocean from New Caledonia | BSAP | V 65/5 | 2010 Oct | 100-103 |
1841 Jan 01 | 1841 London GPO Demand for 8d Caused Delay in Delivery | BSAP | V 78/3 | 2023 Jun | 100-102 |